Tuesday, April 8, 2025
- All dayDelight Weekly GatheringsWelcome to Delight! We’re so glad you’re here! Every Monday night at 7pm we come together in community to talk about our love for God and for sisterhood with one another! Get ready for some awesome worship and small group discussions.Hosted by: Delight Ministries at Florida AtlanticAdditional Information can be found at: https://fau.campuslabs.com/engage/event/10922448
- All dayDelight Weekly GatheringsWelcome to Delight! We’re so glad you’re here! Every Monday night at 7pm we come together in community to talk about our love for God and for sisterhood with one another! Get ready for some awesome worship and small group discussions.Hosted by: Delight Ministries at Florida AtlanticAdditional Information can be found at: https://fau.campuslabs.com/engage/event/10922433
- All dayExploring the Blue Zones Book Club
- 5:30 PM1h"The Power of Good Quality Sleep" with Dr. David Wohlsifer-Landsman, LCSWWith so many demands on our time, it can be tempting to cut corners with our sleep schedule. However, quality sleep is a key component of wellness - it has been said that people can go without food and water longer than they can without sleep! This workshop will highlight the benefits of healthy sleep hygiene and provide attendees with tangible and research-based strategies for improving their sleep.