More from All FAU Events
- Apr 2All dayExploring the Blue Zones Book Club
- Apr 210:00 AMThe Life & Legacy of Theodore Pratt ExhibitionThis exhibit offers an immersive exploration into the life and writings of Theodore Pratt. Known as “the Poet Laureate of Florida,” Pratt’s life and literary contributions are highlighted through personal artifacts, photographs, and manuscripts. Visitors will journey through Pratt's early life, his rise to prominence, and his lasting impact on his field.Special Collections Exhibit: Located on the 5th floor, S.E. Wimberly Library, Weiner SuiteTuesdays-Thursdaysfrom 10am - 2pmExhibition datesMarch 11 - April 30
- Apr 210:00 AMThesis Defense AnnouncementAnita Zahra Field: "Ethnozoological Insights for Wildlife Conservation: Exploring Past & Present Uses of Wild Animals Among Kenya’s Ethnic Groups"Committee Co-Chairs: Erik Johanson, Ph.D. Maria Fadiman, Ph.D.Committee Members: Diana Mitsova, Ph.D.Date: 04/02/2025 - 10:00AMIn Person: Boca Raton, Science Building, SE413
- Apr 3All dayExploring the Blue Zones Book Club
- Apr 310:00 AMThe Life & Legacy of Theodore Pratt ExhibitionThis exhibit offers an immersive exploration into the life and writings of Theodore Pratt. Known as “the Poet Laureate of Florida,” Pratt’s life and literary contributions are highlighted through personal artifacts, photographs, and manuscripts. Visitors will journey through Pratt's early life, his rise to prominence, and his lasting impact on his field.Special Collections Exhibit: Located on the 5th floor, S.E. Wimberly Library, Weiner SuiteTuesdays-Thursdaysfrom 10am - 2pmExhibition datesMarch 11 - April 30
- Apr 31:00 PMSprintax Nonresident Tax Webinars (EAP)In these webinars, international students, scholars and professionals will be run through everything they need to know about nonresident tax for the 2024 tax season. Topics will include who must file, tax residency, FICA, State returns, implications of misfiling as well as how to use Sprintax to prepare a compliant tax return.