- All dayThe Life & Legacy of Theodore Pratt ExhibitionThis exhibit offers an immersive exploration into the life and writings of Theodore Pratt. Known as “the Poet Laureate of Florida,” Pratt’s life and literary contributions are highlighted through personal artifacts, photographs, and manuscripts. Visitors will journey through Pratt's early life, his rise to prominence, and his lasting impact on his field. Special Collections Exhibit: Located on the 5th floor, S.E. Wimberly Library, Weiner Suite Tuesdays-Thursdays from 10am - 2pm Exhibition dates March 11 - April 30 Hosted by: LibraryAdditional Information can be found at: https://fau.campuslabs.com/engage/event/11157598
- All daySigma Week: Pass & PaintA social painting eventHosted by: Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.Additional Information can be found at: https://fau.campuslabs.com/engage/event/10903427
- 12:00 AM7:00 PMASME Industry Professional Info SessionASME will be hosting an industry professional to provide real-world application information to our members.Hosted by: American Society of Mechanical Engineers at FAUAdditional Information can be found at: https://fau.campuslabs.com/engage/event/10873250
- All dayExploring the Blue Zones Book Club
- All daySOLD OUT - Active Mobility (Jan-Mar Series)This dynamic, all-levels class is focused on improving flexibility, balance and aerobic endurance through guided stretches and mobility exercises.When registering for this event you will be registering for all session dates and times listed below.Session Dates: Jan 15, 22, 29 Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 March 5, 12, 19, 26Session Times: 12:30-1:30pmInstructor: Madison Rabelo
- 10:00 AM4hThe Life & Legacy of Theodore Pratt ExhibitionThis exhibit offers an immersive exploration into the life and writings of Theodore Pratt. Known as “the Poet Laureate of Florida,” Pratt’s life and literary contributions are highlighted through personal artifacts, photographs, and manuscripts. Visitors will journey through Pratt's early life, his rise to prominence, and his lasting impact on his field.Special Collections Exhibit: Located on the 5th floor, S.E. Wimberly Library, Weiner SuiteTuesdays-Thursdaysfrom 10am - 2pmExhibition datesMarch 11 - April 30
- 4:00 PM2hOcean Science Lecture SeriesThe John & Barbara Ferrera Ocean Science Lecture Series provides a forum for the community to learn about the important research underway at FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, and around the world.This free series is available to the public, both in-person and virtually. Lectures are held on Wednesdays at 4 pm in the FAU Harbor Branch Johnson Marine Education Center Auditorium followed by a meet and greet with the speaker. Presentations will also be livestreamed and recorded.Advanced registration is required. Please visit www.fau.edu/hboi/osls to reserve your spot and view lecture recordings. Please call the Ocean Discovery Visitors Center at 772-242-2293 for more information.2025 John & Barbara Ferrera Ocean Science Lecture Series:January 8"FAU Harbor Branch: Celebrating Our Accomplishments and Looking Ahead"Jim Sullivan, Ph.D.January 15"An update on the FAU Harbor Branch Stranding and Population Assessment Team and their Work with Marine Mammals in Southeast Florida"Steve BurtonJanuary 22"Algal Blooms in Southern Florida: Current Trends and Future Directions"Malcolm McFarland, Ph.D.January 29"Exploration of Deep-Water Habitats off Puerto Rico for Biotechnology Potential"Esther Guzman, Ph.D.February 5"Striving for Sustainable Seagrasses in the Indian River Lagoon"Rachel Brewton, Ph.D.February 12"Megalodons, Mermaids, and Climate Change: Combating misinformation about the ocean, weather, and climate change . . . and having a little fun"Ellen Prager, Ph.D. and Dave Jones, Guest LectureFebruary 19"Unveiling the Hidden Role of Parasites in Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration"Mike McCoy, Ph.D.February 26"Seeds aren’t Only for Plants - Fish Farms Need Seedstock Too"Paul Wills, Ph.D.March 5"Coral Reef Connectivity and Conservation in a Changing Climate"Ryan Eckert and Allison Klein, Graduate Student LectureMarch 12"Exploring the Rich Natural Products Chemistry of Florida's Coastal Waters"Amy Wright, Ph.D.March 19"Ink-redible Investigations: What Sea Slugs, Cuttlefish, Whales, and Sharks all have in common"Lauren Simonitis, Ph.D., Guest LectureMarch 26"Blue Energy in a Blue Economy"Gabe Alsenas
- 6:00 PM2hBrainy Days Lecture: Your Brain on GodThe Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute is excited to host Dr. Andrew Newberg, MD, for a free public lecture exploring the fascinating intersection of religion and the brain. As a leading pioneer in the field of neuroscience and religion, Dr. Newberg will delve into groundbreaking studies that examine how brain function is impacted during religious experiences, shedding light on the profound relationship between spirituality and neuroscience.Lecture begins at 6:00 PMReception and book signing 7:00 PM - 8:00 PMPaid parking available at City Center Public Parking Garage (199 N Dixie Hwy, West Palm Beach, FL 33401)