- All dayThe Life & Legacy of Theodore Pratt ExhibitionThis exhibit offers an immersive exploration into the life and writings of Theodore Pratt. Known as “the Poet Laureate of Florida,” Pratt’s life and literary contributions are highlighted through personal artifacts, photographs, and manuscripts. Visitors will journey through Pratt's early life, his rise to prominence, and his lasting impact on his field. Special Collections Exhibit: Located on the 5th floor, S.E. Wimberly Library, Weiner Suite Tuesdays-Thursdays from 10am - 2pm Exhibition dates March 11 - April 30 Hosted by: LibraryAdditional Information can be found at: https://fau.campuslabs.com/engage/event/11157598
- All dayAligned Wellness: Breathe, Move & Meditate (Sold Out)Discover the power of well-being through the integration of movement, breath and meditation.Instructor: Heather Berg, E-RYTClass Dates:4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25No classes May6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 6/27Day/Time: Fridays 10am-11am
- All dayExploring the Blue Zones Book Club
- All dayFit FusionThis all levels class will focus on strength, balance and resistance training incorporating energizing music and functional movements.When registering for this event you will be registering for all session dates and times listed below.Session Dates:April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30May 7, 14, 21, 28June 4, 11, 18Session Times:Wednesdays from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.Instructor:Madison Robelo
- All dayTai-Chi & Qi-GongJoin us for this free series, lead by Nick Kusturic, Lic. Ap, Certified Tai-Chi & Qi-Gong InstructorTai chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Tai chi is sometimes described as meditation in motion because it promotes serenity through gentle movements — connecting the mind and body.Qi Gong involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.When registering for this event you will be registering for all session dates and times listed below.Session Dates:4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/295/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27No classes JuneSession Times: Tuesdays, 6-7pmInstructor: Nick Kusturic, Lic. Ap, Certified Tai-Chi & Qi-Gong Instructor
- 3:00 PM1h 30mEthan Dewald Masters Thesis Proposal: Biological SciencesVarying Methodologies for Estimating and Comparing Factors Influencing Elasmobranch Community Assemblages in the Upper Florida KeysAdvisor: Dr. Stephen Kajiura; Dr. Chris MalinowskiCommittee: Dr. Matt Ajemianvia Zoom
- 7:00 PM2hDances We DanceCapstone experience for students enrolled in all genres and levels of dance at FAU.