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Be Active

Be Active

Being physically active is known to not only improve your physical self, but also your mental wellbeing!

Fitness Resources

You got this!
You probably already knew FAU Students get free membership (included with tuition) to the Campus Recreation, which also offers Inclusive equipment for those with accessibility needs! But did you know there's so much more?
Below we've listed all the various department and programs at FAU that aim to help you move! Psst! We also put together this awesome map of parks and other locations to get active in the great outdoors!
Membership included for FAU Students.

Campus Recreation

Paid Membership available for non FAU Students.

We create movement and engagement opportunities to enhance the social and physical wellbeing of the FAU community.

  • Aquatics
  • Group Fitness
  • Wall Climbing
  • Outdoor Adventures
  • Intermural Sports
  • Personal Trainer
  • and more...
Mobile phone with the Campus Recreation Fusion Go App loading screen

Campus Recreation Fusion Go App

Forgot your ID? Scan in with the App. Get area specific notifications, register for programs and more!

Download the Campus Recreation Fusion Go App today!


FAU-Well Program

By FAU Exercise Science

Department of Exercise Science & Health Promotion offers a well-rounded health-fitness program as a FREE COMMUNITY SERVICE for older adults residing in Boca Raton and surrounding areas.

  • Fitness Assessments
  • Exercise Prescription
  • Supervised Exercise Sessions
  • Aerobic Walking
  • Strength Training
  • Group Conditioning
  • Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Pulse Rate Checks
  • Healt-Related Well-Talks
  • Health-Fitness Promotions
  • and more...

Exercise is Medicine

Calls upon universities and colleges to promote physical activity as a vital sign of health. EIM-OC encourages faculty, staff and students to work together toward improving the health and well-being of the campus community.

Marcus Institute of Integrated Health
at FAU Medicine

We offer multiple free classes and events every week, year-round, on a myriad of integrative health and wellness topics including, but not limited to:

  • Integrative Nutrition (Including meal prep, cooking demonstrations and hands-on cooking classes)
  • Mindfulness & Meditation
  • Breathwork
  • Functional Movement & Mobility
  • Chair Yoga
  • Tai-Chi & Qi Gong
  • Mind-Body Connection

To learn more about these programs, please visit our website or contact Sara Starkoff Green, Wellness Consultant at


Robin Rubin Center for Happiness
& Life Enhancement

Beyond fitness, we are on a mission to enrich and nurture the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of our students, faculty, staff and community members.

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • and more...

Initiative for Intentional Health

By College of Nursing

The programs of the IHI are designed to encourage mindful engagement in caring for self and others, and focus on supporting human potential, self-knowledge, mindfulness and conscious living.

  • Yoga
  • Labyrinth Walk with Reflection
  • and more...

Mental Health Self-help

LinkedIn Learning

Check out these pre-selected modules or click "All Modules" to explore!

Healthy Campus 2030