Owl Perks
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Walt Disney World Resort
Disney Student Ticket prices vary depending on guest travel date(s). Visit ticket store link to learn more and purchase tickets today!
Business address: 1180 Seven Seas Drive Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
About the business: FAU students/faculty/staff/alumni have access to purchase specially priced Disney Student Tickets to visit Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando! Whether you’re celebrating back to school, bonding with new friends, fall/spring break, or even college graduation – you will have a blast exploring the wonder of Epcot, challenging your friends on Toy Story Mania! at Disney’s Hollywood Studios or even entering the grid on TRON Lightcycle / Run at Magic Kingdom park.
About the business: FAU students/faculty/staff/alumni have access to purchase specially priced Disney Student Tickets to visit Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando! Whether you’re celebrating back to school, bonding with new friends, fall/spring break, or even college graduation – you will have a blast exploring the wonder of Epcot, challenging your friends on Toy Story Mania! at Disney’s Hollywood Studios or even entering the grid on TRON Lightcycle / Run at Magic Kingdom park.
Owl Perks Mental Health Provider Discounts
The following providers are offering FAU students discounted mental health services through the Owl Perks Card Program. Providers with *sliding fee scales offer larger discounts for those with less ability to pay due to lower income or lack of insurance.
Learn more about there services here.
Learn more about there services here.
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