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March 2025
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Tuesday, April 1, 2025
- All dayThe Life & Legacy of Theodore Pratt ExhibitionThis exhibit offers an immersive exploration into the life and writings of Theodore Pratt. Known as “the Poet Laureate of Florida,” Pratt’s life and literary contributions are highlighted through personal artifacts, photographs, and manuscripts. Visitors will journey through Pratt's early life, his rise to prominence, and his lasting impact on his field. Special Collections Exhibit: Located on the 5th floor, S.E. Wimberly Library, Weiner Suite Tuesdays-Thursdays from 10am - 2pm Exhibition dates March 11 - April 30 Hosted by: LibraryAdditional Information can be found at:
- All daySigma Week: Pass & PaintA social painting eventHosted by: Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.Additional Information can be found at:
- 12:00 AM8:30 PMTAU TuesdayTAU Tuesday's with the brothers of ATO. Hosted by: Alpha Tau OmegaAdditional Information can be found at:
- 12:00 AM9:00 AMReel Heroes Charity Bass Fishing TournamentHosted by the Veteran Owls Club, the Reel Heroes Fishing Tournament is a Catch-Photograph-Release fishing tournament and fundraiser for the Respect and Remember Foundation. Entry fee will be $45 per angler. Participating anglers will have 5 days of fishing opportunity at any legally fishable body of water in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties to catch and report their top 5 (by length) Largemouth Bass or Peacock Bass on the fishing tournament application TourneyX. Anglers may fish from shore or boat, all fishing and associated activities are conducted at the angler's own risk. All Local, State and Federal laws and regulations regarding fishing, boating, waterways, animal care, and land use must be observed. A minimum length of 10" is required for a fish to be reported, all anglers must have a valid Florida freshwater fishing license for the duration of the tournament, and all fish must be caught on rod and reel. Winners will receive prize packs donated by supporting individuals, businesses and organizations. Current angler categories are Overall, Veteran, FAU Student and Big Bass (largest individual fish), but may be expanded based on supporting donations. The Respect and Remember Foundation was formed to honor Staff Sergeant Ryan Knauss, killed in the Abbey Gate suicide bombing during the withdrawal from Afghanistan on August 26, 2021 while assisting with the evacuation of our Afghan allies and their families. The Respect and Remember Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 92-0748684. Information on the Respect and Remember Foundation can be found at their website: by: Military and Veteran's Success, Veteran OwlsAdditional Information can be found at:
- All dayWomen's Club Soccer Beach CleanupWe will be doing community service by picking up trash on the local beaches.Hosted by: Women's Club SoccerAdditional Information can be found at:
- All dayDonate Your DenimAll Broward CampusesSupport survivors of sexual assault by donating a pair of jeans to the organizations "Women In Distress" and "AVDA" who provide support to those experiencing domestic abuse.
- All dayDonate Your DenimAll Broward CampusesSupport survivors of sexual assault by donating a pair of jeans to the organizations "Women In Distress" and "AVDA" who provide support to those experiencing domestic abuse.
- All dayExploring the Blue Zones Book Club
- All dayIt's On Us MuralParticipate in an artistic activity and decorate a piece of the mural for the FAU Broward campuses.
- All dayIt's On Us MuralParticipate in an artistic activity and decorate a piece of the mural for the FAU Broward campuses.
- All dayPre-Health Professions Week and Graduate & Professional School Fair 2025
- All dayTai-Chi & Qi-GongJoin us for this free series, lead by Nick Kusturic, Lic. Ap, Certified Tai-Chi & Qi-Gong InstructorTai chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Tai chi is sometimes described as meditation in motion because it promotes serenity through gentle movements — connecting the mind and body.Qi Gong involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.When registering for this event you will be registering for all session dates and times listed below.Session Dates:4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/295/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27No classes JuneSession Times: Tuesdays, 6-7pmInstructor: Nick Kusturic, Lic. Ap, Certified Tai-Chi & Qi-Gong Instructor
- All dayWear Teal Day (Broward Campuses)Wear teal as you pledge your support as an upstander on campus who will intervene against sexual violence. Post and share the It's On Us pledge with your picture using the hashtag #ItsOnUsFAU
- All dayWear Teal Day (Broward Campuses)Wear teal as you pledge your support as an upstander on campus who will intervene against sexual violence. Post and share the It's On Us pledge with your picture using the hashtag #ItsOnUsFAU
- 6:30 AM1hEquestrian Club - Team PracticeEquestrian Club - Team weekly practices to prepare for shows.Hosted by: Equestrian Team at FAUAdditional Information can be found at:
- 9:30 AM1hStudent Engagement Weekly MeetingsThe Student Engagement Line will have bi-weekly meetings and bi-weekly on-going trainings for staff. Hosted by: Student Activities and InvolvementAdditional Information can be found at:
- 10:00 AM4hThe Life & Legacy of Theodore Pratt ExhibitionThis exhibit offers an immersive exploration into the life and writings of Theodore Pratt. Known as “the Poet Laureate of Florida,” Pratt’s life and literary contributions are highlighted through personal artifacts, photographs, and manuscripts. Visitors will journey through Pratt's early life, his rise to prominence, and his lasting impact on his field.Special Collections Exhibit: Located on the 5th floor, S.E. Wimberly Library, Weiner SuiteTuesdays-Thursdaysfrom 10am - 2pmExhibition datesMarch 11 - April 30
- 10:30 AM1hCampus Partner: On the Go Grub Floor 1st South & 7&6 North (Ella & Camille& Kimber)Start your day right with a quick and nutritious breakfast. Stop on your way to class and grab a free breakfast meal as well as free goodie bag from OwlsCare.Hosted by: Glades Park Towers , Owls Care Health PromotionAdditional Information can be found at:
- 11:00 AM4hSigma Delta Tau Give Back at Raw JuiceGiveback At Raw Juice for our chapter Hosted by: Sigma Delta TauAdditional Information can be found at:
- 12:00 PM1hVR Headset SimulationStudents will perform virtual surgeries using the College of Medicine VR headsets and gain a better understanding of the potential of virtual reality to transform medicine and learning.Hosted by: AI in Healthcare Interest GroupAdditional Information can be found at:
- 12:00 PM2hDavie - Building Wellness, One Brick at a TimeCreate flowers out of colorful building blocks while raising awareness about sexual assault prevention and supporting a safe, empowering campus community.
- 12:00 PM2hDavie - Building Wellness, One Brick at a TimeCreate flowers out of colorful building blocks while raising awareness about sexual assault prevention and supporting a safe, empowering campus community.
- 12:00 PM2hDenim DayWear your favorite denim and paint statements to support survivors of sexual assault.
- 12:00 PM2hDenim DayWear your favorite denim and paint statements to support survivors of sexual assault.
- 12:00 PM2hREU Roadmap: Unlocking Travel OpportunitiesAn event to help inform students about various travel opportunities available through external Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU's).Hosted by: Council for Scholarship and InquiryAdditional Information can be found at:
- 2:00 PM1hThesis Defense AnnouncementArismendis Altagracia: "“Ojala que llueva: Free Trade's Ripple Effect on Rice Farming in El Cibao, Dominican Republic""Committee Chair: Michael Harris, PhDCommittee Members: Katarina Rynkiewich, PhD; Eyal Weinburg, PhD.Date: 04/01/2025 - 2:00PMIn Person: SO 383
- 4:00 PM3hMock Trial Workshop MeetingFor teams to have designated times to rehearse and practice with their team members. As well as for students who cannot attend the Wednesday main meetings. Open to all students who want to get involved in Mock Trial.Hosted by: Trial TeamAdditional Information can be found at:
- 4:00 PM4hAMSA Interest Group MeetingsEngage pre-health students in meetings revolving various topics. Hosted by: American Medical Student AssociationAdditional Information can be found at:
- 4:00 PM4hWomens Club Soccer Chipotle FundraiserWe will be working with chipotle to raise money for our club. Hosted by: Women's Club SoccerAdditional Information can be found at:
- 4:00 PM6hFAUWCVB X CHIPOTLE FUNDRAISEROur club team is having a give back fundraiser with local to school chipotle!Hosted by: Women's Club Volleyball at FAUAdditional Information can be found at:
- 4:30 PM1hE Board MeetingsThe Caribbean Students Association will be having their bi-weekly eboard meetings.Hosted by: Caribbean Students Association (CSA)Additional Information can be found at:
- 5:00 PM1hFinance Students Association WorkshopA panel discussion of financial strategies for success.Hosted by: Finance Students AssociationAdditional Information can be found at:
- 5:00 PM1hInduction Ceremony (4/1)We are honoring new members and active members. Hosted by: Accounting Students Association-Boca RatonAdditional Information can be found at:
- 5:00 PM2hFAU Fencing Club Practice Spring 2025 - 2nd HalfWe welcome all FAU students and faculty to our Spring 2025 Fencing practice! We are currently doing foil, sabre, and épée Fencing. All skill levels are welcome. Meetings times are 5:00 PM-7:00 PM Tuesdays & Fridays @ the MAC Gym. (Located in the Recreation Center). For the safety of our members, all members must wear required attire: long pants (such as jeans or similar material, yoga pants are NOT accepted) OR shorts (with no baggy pockets) with knee-high socks, closed-toed shoes, no looped jewelry. Equipment is provided for regularly attending members. Please email the organization contact (Andy Sepulveda, if you are interested or have any questions or concerns.Hosted by: FAU Fencing ClubAdditional Information can be found at:
- 5:00 PM2h 30mMasking Masquerade BallBall to educate about "masking" for neurodivergence and disability. This will promote student involvement and engagement. Hosted by: Crafting With a Cause, Disabled Student Union, Tea SocietyAdditional Information can be found at:
- 5:00 PM3hATO X SKAlpha Tau Omega will be hosting a social with Sigma Kappa.Hosted by: Alpha Tau OmegaAdditional Information can be found at:
- 5:00 PM5hBCM NightCome and join us at our monthly worship night!Hosted by: Baptist Collegiate MinistriesAdditional Information can be found at:
- 5:30 PM30mKonbit Kreyol:HSO Footwork WorkshopJoin us for our second day of KK week for a collaboration with our HSO’s for a footwork workshop!Hosted by: Konbit KreyolAdditional Information can be found at:
- 5:30 PM1hCatechism III: The Seven SacramentsJoin us to learn about the seven sacraments from Fr. Zachary Akers, FSSP. Hosted by: Catholic ClubAdditional Information can be found at:
- 5:30 PM1hFinancial Strategies of Successful People: First-Generation EditionCelebrate National Financial Literacy Month with the Office of First-Generation Student Success as we discuss the financial strategies of successful people through a first-generation lens.Hosted by: Office of First-Generation Student SuccessAdditional Information can be found at:
- 6:00 PM1hFAU Chess Club MeetingGeneral Body Meeting for FAU Chess ClubHosted by: Chess Club at Florida AtlanticAdditional Information can be found at:
- 6:00 PM2hPainting NightThis event is for members of the sorority to gather and follow a paint along. Hosted by: Alpha Omega EpsilonAdditional Information can be found at:
- 6:00 PM2hPractices 3/10-4/11We will be hosting practices so prepare the team to compete in our spring league games. Hosted by: Women's Lacrosse Club of FAUAdditional Information can be found at:
- 6:00 PM2hProfessional TuesdayAn event where you get to learn how to tips and advice on how to be professional.Hosted by: Neg Kreyol, Inc.Additional Information can be found at:
- 6:00 PM2hReel Heroes Charity Bass Fishing TournamentHosted by the Veteran Owls Club, the Reel Heroes Fishing Tournament is a Catch-Photograph-Release fishing tournament and fundraiser for the Respect and Remember Foundation. Entry fee will be $45 per angler. Participating anglers will have 5 days of fishing opportunity at any legally fishable body of water in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties to catch and report their top 5 (by length) Largemouth Bass or Peacock Bass on the fishing tournament application TourneyX. Anglers may fish from shore or boat, all fishing and associated activities are conducted at the angler's own risk. All Local, State and Federal laws and regulations regarding fishing, boating, waterways, animal care, and land use must be observed. A minimum length of 10" is required for a fish to be reported, all anglers must have a valid Florida freshwater fishing license for the duration of the tournament, and all fish must be caught on rod and reel. Winners will receive prize packs donated by supporting individuals, businesses and organizations. Current angler categories are Overall, Veteran, FAU Student and Big Bass (largest individual fish), but may be expanded based on supporting donations. The Respect and Remember Foundation was formed to honor Staff Sergeant Ryan Knauss, killed in the Abbey Gate suicide bombing during the withdrawal from Afghanistan on August 26, 2021 while assisting with the evacuation of our Afghan allies and their families. The Respect and Remember Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 92-0748684. Information on the Respect and Remember Foundation can be found at their website: by: Military and Veteran's Success, Veteran OwlsAdditional Information can be found at:
- 6:00 PM2hSpring Men's Soccer Club PracticePractice for the Men's Club Soccer team.Hosted by: Men's SoccerAdditional Information can be found at:
- 6:00 PM2h 30mTAU TuesdayTAU Tuesday's with the brothers of ATO. Hosted by: Alpha Tau OmegaAdditional Information can be found at:
- 6:00 PM3hAZN DANCE PRACTICEpractices for Asian Student Union's dance team Hosted by: Asian Student UnionAdditional Information can be found at:
- 6:00 PM3hBCM NightA night for members to get together and worship on campus. There will be music, a brief message, and food!Hosted by: Baptist Collegiate MinistriesAdditional Information can be found at:
- 6:30 PM2hTPA Trampoline Park Sisterhoodsisterhood at altitude trampoline park Hosted by: Theta Phi AlphaAdditional Information can be found at:
- 7:00 PM1hJupiter House MeetingAt House of Representatives meetings, we come together to discuss and vote on initiatives that directly impact our campus, making sure every student’s voice is heard. Student leaders from other branches of Student Government also attend to contribute their perspectives and collaborate on campus-wide initiatives. It’s a welcoming space where ideas become action, and you can play a part in shaping the future of student life at FAU. These meetings are open to the public, so if you have an idea or concern, you’re encouraged to share it with your representatives.Join the meeting here: by: Jupiter Campus Student GovernmentAdditional Information can be found at:
- 7:00 PM1hSocialize! Book Club Weekly MeetingJoin Socialize! Book Club for a weekly presentation on current political issues!Hosted by: Socialize! Book ClubAdditional Information can be found at:
- 7:00 PM1hSprin 2025 Cru MeetingOur club's weekly meeting on Tuesdays, where we do games, fellowship, worship and read the bible!Hosted by: CruAdditional Information can be found at:
- 7:00 PM2hFAU Gymnastics PracticeThis is the official practice for the FAU gymnastics club. Practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00pm - 9:00pm, and Saturdays from 11:00am - 1:00pm.Hosted by: Club GymnasticsAdditional Information can be found at:
- 7:00 PM2hLive After Dark- Comedy ShowFollow us @PBFAU on Instagram for more information!Hosted by: Program BoardAdditional Information can be found at:
- 7:00 PM4hMarch Night RidesNight Rides with Jupiter Night OwlsHosted by: Jupiter Night OwlsAdditional Information can be found at:
- 7:30 PM1hGlowhuntCome hangs with BSU and Psychology Club for the Easter egg hunt of the semester!!Hosted by: Jupiter Black Student Union, Psychology Club-Jupiter CampusAdditional Information can be found at:
- 7:30 PM1hThe Wilkies AwardsPB will be handing out awards to students based on the category. Hosted by: Jupiter Program BoardAdditional Information can be found at:
- 8:30 PM2hFAU Men's Lacrosse 2025 PracticesFAU Men's Lacrosse 2025 PracticesHosted by: Men's Lacrosse at FAUAdditional Information can be found at:
- 8:30 PM2hWomens Flag Football PracticePractice for future games and tournaments by running routes and catching. Hosted by: Women's Flag FootballAdditional Information can be found at: